Film Crew and Solution Architect
Film Crew and Solution Architect
Arrived in Auckland in 2008 I worked on Spartacus and Legends of the Seeker, whilst getting to know people and establishing a network in the local industry. This led to me establishing my first company Great Talent Management, supplying extras and Actors to projects across the film, TV, and advertising industries.
For the last 8 years as director of Great Talent, I’ve worked with a range of clients.
I’ve always really enjoyed the side of running my business involving forecasting, budgeting, statistics, logistical operations, human resources, and cost reports. Every production brings with it a new and different challenge, and these are skills I was keen to grow and strengthen and decide to become a Solution Architecture and start a new company “Stunning Film Solutions”.
I would love the chance to meet and work with you further.
Yours Sincerely
Thiago Moraes